Show me my baby!”
I yelled after my first child was born.
I was 38.
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your pla ns succeed.
Psalms 20:4
I yelled these words at the nurses who delivered my baby. After years (almost two decades) I finally had that child I had been wanting. It was truly an amazing experience to trust and rely on God. I felt as if He had stepped down from heaven and personally delivered my baby.
In my dreams, all my troubles were over and life would be perfect! But guess what? It didn’t happen that way. Not by a long shot. As we envision a perfect life and what it entails, we have to remember, it’s not just the “prize” that we’re after.
Think about this. Back when Adam and Eve sinned, God could have just said, “Oh don’t worry about it” and left them in the perfect world they were in. Instead He chose to go through the turmoil of watching his only son die on a cross. He didn’t have to make that decision, but He knew the process was necessary. If it was necessary for God and Jesus to go through the pain, don’t you think it’s necessary for you to as well?
Without our brokenness, we’d be spoiled brats, with no understanding of how precious our lives are. If God just allowed Adam and Eve to live in their perfect world, He would have this army of people that were created just to worship Him. It wouldn’t give Him what He needs from us. If everything was always instantly made perfect and easy, nothing would bring joy or pleasure. You must experience the struggle of hardship and brokenness to know how wonderful your life is. Embrace it my friend. In everything give thanks.
Lord, thank You for always loving me in spite of my actions! Amen
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